Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Weather Channel should include forecasts for the subway.

This past weekend I had my first "visitors" to NYC. My Uncle Bob and Aunt Carol were in New Jersey for a wedding when they realized, "Oh! Lee lives in NYC now". Anyways, since I still have my car here, and they were in Jersey, we met in Hoboken for brunch on Sunday. It was really nice to see family. Here we are...

Stephen, Clara, Rosa, Allie, and I also went to the Staten Island beach on Sunday afternoon. It was really nice (but I must say, I feel that I will always be biased towards Lake Michigan).

In other has been 90+ degrees here all week, quite disgusting, especially given that subway station temps must surely reach 100+ degrees. Hello public sauna.

I had my first "major" event at work today. We had a fall membership campaign kick-off. Everything went smoothly...and ordering catering for meetings/events means free food for me...BONUS!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I've been in NYC for almost a month now, so I figured it was time to give everyone a little update.

Indeed, I finally made it to the city. I left Grand Rapids on July 22 and drove to Staten Island where I am staying with Stephen and Clara. After months of job hunting, I am happy to say that I am working for the YMCA of Greater NY in the operations department. There are 26 different YMCA Branches in the NY area, so plenty of things to keep me busy! My office is just a few blocks north of Columbus Circle (right near Central Park and Lincoln Center) and I am really enjoying everything!

It is a bit of a strange adjustment, living in Grand Rapids for 23 years and moving to New York. I think I am adjusting to life in the city just is certainly quite different from my Grand Rapids existence.

I am anxious to find an apartment, which I think will help me feel more settled....searching for apartments in NYC is a little different than finding housing in Grand Rapids!

I leave you with this: the view out of my bedroom window (no joke...right now I can see a cruise ship leaving for sea)