Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Weather Channel should include forecasts for the subway.

This past weekend I had my first "visitors" to NYC. My Uncle Bob and Aunt Carol were in New Jersey for a wedding when they realized, "Oh! Lee lives in NYC now". Anyways, since I still have my car here, and they were in Jersey, we met in Hoboken for brunch on Sunday. It was really nice to see family. Here we are...

Stephen, Clara, Rosa, Allie, and I also went to the Staten Island beach on Sunday afternoon. It was really nice (but I must say, I feel that I will always be biased towards Lake Michigan).

In other has been 90+ degrees here all week, quite disgusting, especially given that subway station temps must surely reach 100+ degrees. Hello public sauna.

I had my first "major" event at work today. We had a fall membership campaign kick-off. Everything went smoothly...and ordering catering for meetings/events means free food for me...BONUS!


Joel Geib said...

Lee, I thought Stephen and Clara moved to soho. What are you all still doing in this borough? And how is life? I think it's been a month now since I last saw/heard of you.

Sarah said...

Lee, I'm so happy that you are doing so well. :) I always knew you'd end up in a big city. Way to go!